After completing your neck warm ups and neck stretches, you should focus on neck strength to maintain neutral posture. In particular, we are interested in strengthening the muscles at the back of the neck as per this video. By doing this exercise you strengthen your posterior cervical muscles and help to counter the tendency of a forward head posture.
As always, please consult your medical practitioner for advice before undertaking any of these exercises as this neck strength video does not constitute medical advice.

- Note: This is the only neck muscle we want to strengthen for good posture
- Lie face down, and lift forehead 1cm from floor and hold for 5 seconds, rest head for 5 seconds and repeat five times.

- Lie on stomach, slowly extend head over five seconds and hold comfortably at end range for five seconds.
- Slowly lower head to floor over five seconds. Repeat five times.

- Lie face down, lift forehead 1cm from floor.
- Place right hand at back of head
- Gently push back of head into hand using not more than 50% of your force.
- Hold for 5 seconds, rest head for 5 seconds and repeat five times.

- Lie on stomach, slowly extend head over five seconds
- Place right hand at back of head
- Gently push back of head into hand using not more than 50% of your force.
- Hold comfortably at end range for five seconds.
- Slowly lower head to floor over five seconds.