What’s different about myofascial treatment (MFR) from other forms of therapy is that it takes a gentle, holistic approach to pain relief. MFR is fast gaining recognition as the missing link in traditional healthcare.  MFR, developed in large part by John F Barnes,  is a specialised physical therapy that affects and releases the restrictions within the fascial network.

Myofascial Release Therapy

Do you suffer from a long term injury? Are you currently seeing a therapist? Perhaps you get relief from treatment, but it is only temporary, and, after a while your pain sets back in again. Do you crave a long term solution? Myofascial release may just be it.

Myofascial treatment is safe, gentle and produces long term results. All forms of trauma create adhesions in the myofascial network. These adhesions produce tensile pressure on pain sensitive structures. Massage therapy helps to relieve the symptoms in the short term caused by the superficial fascial layers. However, massage does not treat the underlying cause of the symptoms in the fascial network. Myofascial treatment releases superficial and deep lying adhesions in the fascia that give longer lasting benefits.

Myofascial treatment is performed on the affected areas without oils, which allows the therapist to get a proper sense of where the fascial adhesions lie and to accurately apply the right gradient of pressure to release the fascial restriction. To learn more about myofascial release and what to expect during your visit to Kirwan Clinic, click here

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